

Freezing the Footprint of Food


HUFF POST(WWF) 2013年5月16日

2050年までに、世界の人口はさらに20億人増加すると言われています。 世界の人口の増加は、私たちに、増加する人々の食料をいかに確保するかという問題について考えさせます。 重要なポイントは2つ:食物のフットプリントの拡大停止と農業の生産性を高めることです。 WWF (World Wildlife Fund - 世界自然保護基金)はこれらの目的を達成するために、8つのステップを確認しました。

  1. ‘食物連鎖における無駄を省く’
    − 食料の廃棄は発展途上国では収穫後に、そして多くの先進国では家庭で生じます。

  2. ‘品種改良を進めるために、技術を活用’
    − 品種改良は食用作物の生産性を高める可能性があります。,

  3. ‘より良い実践をより迅速に共有’

  4. ‘技術を通じて効率良く、必要な資源を減少させ、作物を増加’
      − 既存技術を利用し、少ない資源で生産を増加させる必要があります。

  5. ‘劣化した土地を再生’
    − 劣化した又は放棄された土地の再生により、他の生態系(熱帯雨林、泥炭湿原)への悪影響が減少します。

  6. ‘財産権保護を拡大’
    − 多くの農民は作物を作りますが、農民自身は土地を所有していません。

  7. ‘過剰消費と過少消費の格差のバランスを’
      − 約10億の人々は食料不足に直面している一方、他の10億の人々は食物を食べ過ぎています。 サハラ以南のアフリカの、5歳以下の子供たちの4割は栄養不足と考えられています。

  8. ‘土壌炭素を回復’
    − 農地保全への鍵は土壌炭素(又は有機物)です。


Freezing the Footprint of Food

HUFF POST(WWF) 2013年5月16日

It is said that our global population will rise by an additional two billion people before 2050. A rise in global population leads us to ask ourselves how we will feed all these additional people. It is essential to halt the footprint of food and find a way to increase the productivity of our farming methods. The WWF have recognized 8 steps to achieve these goals.

  1. ‘Eliminate Waste in the Food Chain’
    - Waste is produced in the post-harvest in developing countries and at home in many developed countries.

  2. ‘Harness Technology to Advance Plant Breeding’
    - Plant breeding can help to improve the productivity of food crops.
    For example, the WWF works with African organizations to map the genomes of key food crops in Africa.

  3. ‘Share Better Practices More Quickly'
    - Using our modern technology, we have the ability to spread information and techniques much more quickly. Governments also need to implement better policies.

  4. ‘Use Less to Produce More: Efficiency Through Technology’
    - We must use existing technology and increase our production with fewer resources.

  5. ‘Rehabilitate Degraded Land’
    - Rehabilitating degraded or abandoned land will reduce the pressure placed on other ecosystems such as rainforests and peat swamps.

  6. ‘Establish Greater Property Rights’
    - Many farmers grow crops but they themselves do not own the land.
    In Africa, for example, most women grow the food but more often than not they are not the owners.

  7. ‘Balance the Disparity Between Under and Over Consumption’
    - About a billion people in the world don’t have enough food while another billion eat too much. Approximately 40% of children under the age of five in Sub-Saharan Africa are considered malnourished. Nutrient rich foods such as cassava and sweet potatoes can help bridge the gap.

  8. ‘Restore Soil Carbon’
    - The key to conserving farmland is soil carbon (or organic matter).
    Unfortunately, in the past 150 years, half of the top soil in the tropics has disappeared. The world’s farmers need to grow more soil carbon building plants and we need to make a carbon market for agriculture.

